Why The Bloom Will Be A Surprise Hit For TV
What the experience of transformational festivals has to teach the world
The Bloom synthesizes several elements yet underpinning our journey is an exploration of how transformational festivals speak to universal aspects of our human experience. While our stories are colorful and entertaining, it is the takeaways from these themes—the insights and rewards of our journey—which will connect to the intimate lives of viewers.
We are blazing a style of entertainment—not as a diversion, incredibly rendered, yet ultimately escapist fantasies—but as vivid inspiration. They will be sparks and fire-starters relating to ideas about how we live and can creatively meet needs often unfulfilled in our modern society. They are the reasons these festivals have such an impact on participants—we’re going to reveal and share them with the rest of the world, who will likely never attend one of these special events. Given the precarious state of the world we all share, we feel confident there is a global audience for our forward-thinking story of positive inspiration and hope for our human potential to be truly unleashed.
Here’s a quick break-down of the themes the series brings to light through the lens of the counterculture of our time*:
Episode 1 “Inspiration” The series introduction explores transformational festivals as city-sized tributes to inspiration. We see how they are built by hundreds or thousands of people as immersive environments of music, art, and expression. This episode wonders what if—rather than designing reality around the facilitation of commerce (as usual)—we created our reality based on fostering experiences of inspiration?
Episode 2 “Connection” We investigate how festivals create an antidote to the feelings of alienation and separation so normalized in the modern world. The episode examines the nature of music and dancing itself, electronic dance music in particular, and how festivals have come to act as villages of diverse people, celebrating without conflict. We look at the culture of gifting, as well as examine the influence of MDMA. We see these connections follow into daily life as people find their community, crew, home, project, partner or “soul tribe” through the festivals. We witness how the community supports each other and makes lives richer, while also bringing its own set of challenges.
Episode 3 “Healing” This episode delves into a culture where almost everyone is on a healing journey. We see how festivals have become surprising venues for potent cathartic break-throughs. We look at how festivals support legitimate healing and the prevailing culture of emotional intelligence, where people have become skilled at holding space for each other’s powerful and vulnerable moments. We consider the implications of a generation that has been recreationally using MDMA and psychedelics, which clinical research is proving to have many significant therapeutic benefits including conditions like PTSD.
Episode 4 “Co-Creation” We examine transformational festivals as giant endeavors of voluntary cooperation. We follow Lightning in a Bottle, which grew from a small family gathering to a stage at Coachella to become one of the premier festivals in California. At Burning Man, we join a theme camp and art installation build as they navigate the unique challenges of offering something epic on the playa. Through their creation, we witness the ethos forged by this community-based collaborative trial-by-fire.
Episode 5 “Participation” We look at how the line blurs between performer and spectator at the festival—and how participants go beyond being simply consumers by finding their expression to put in the mix. We look at the experience of embodying your avatar, whether sexy, heroic or comical, and consider what it means to have this outlet for oneself. We see the diversity of self-expression and follow one character whose discovery of their avatar has changed the course of their life.
Episode 6 “Modelling” This episode takes us outside the festival to find out how the ethos is being brought into the world. We look in on communities, businesses, projects, and campaigns which have grown out of the festivals. We follow the Burning Man organization in its global outreach and visit their 3800-acre land project. We take an art-car tour of Burning Man with Elon Musk to discuss how the festival has influenced him and how its values could inspire the world. We visit Boom in Portugal, Europe’s giant of transformational festivals and the gold standard of environmental practices.
Episode 7 “Mythos” asks how, in a secular world, do we understand our part in the greater cosmic story? This episode considers the role of Mythos throughout history and looks at how festivals are engaging this impulse through art, performance and ceremonies. We consider the influence of psychedelics (also known as Entheogens) and how the visionary experiences they facilitate have informed this exploration. But it’s not always bliss you get to as we examine the shadow sides of using these substances.
Episode 8 “Ritual” We explore how festivals go beyond entertainment to fulfill the function of ritual for a younger generation. We compare this to the relative absence of rites-of-passage in modern society. We examine how multi-day outdoor festivals fulfill the stages of ritual and act as a liminal space—the transitory space between worlds where transformation happens. We see how themes of ritual are explored through performance and ceremonies. We investigate the influence of Ayahuasca and traditional plant hallucinogens, which are steeped in ceremony and therapeutic, rather than recreational use.
Episode 9 “The Sacred” investigates how a secular generation is rediscovering our spiritual nature in authentic ways—without being tied to a specific tradition, and intuitively avoiding the pitfalls of doctrine, dogma, and charismatic gurus. It’s a creative exploration that builds temples and altars and shares prayer and ceremonies. We look at the influence of indigenous notions of ‘ceremony’, and ask whether this is simply the latest New Age reboot or if there is something deeper and more profound afoot?
Episode 10 “Gender Alchemy” looks for answers to our current gender puzzles at transformational festivals. We investigate the empowered “goddess” culture of these pro-feminine environments and examine how it differs from traditional feminism. We meet men reclaiming healthy masculinity and expressing their feminine sides. We see festivals act as non-binary, post-identity spaces, each person free to express their unique gender alchemy. We join “gender reconciliation” circles aimed at healing our legacies of trauma. We see festivals pioneering “consent culture” and creating safe spaces for sex-positive expression. We look at the co-existence of polyamory and traditional families in the festival scene.
Episode 11 “Indigenous Right Relationship” delves into the influence of indigenous wisdom at transformational festivals. We consider how “re-esteeming the indigenous paradigm” may be key to restoring our relationship with the planet. In Canada, we follow Chief Phil Lane as he participates at festivals on the west coast. We travel with EDM-band Liberation Movement as they collaborate with Peruvian Shipibo shamans at Latin American transformational festivals, which also work extensively with indigenous communities.
Episode 12 “Re-inhabiting The Village” The season conclusion visits “intentional” communities inspired by the transformational festival ethos, investigating their efforts to “live the life” daily. We look at the effect of festivals becoming multi-generational as many original participants now have families. We check in on the Gen Z twenty-somethings, who were children at the festivals, becoming successful DJs and producers. We look at the ways people bring the village back to their city lives with their festival community.
*NOTE: Any specific stories indicated are subject to change—these are stories we plan to pursue.
In a world of turmoil, rather than entertainment as a diversion, The Bloom offers an escape into an adventure that ultimately speaks to our ability to re-imagine and transform our lives. Through our story of possibility and package of powerful ideas, we will speak to the heart of how people live. Just as we witnessed our webseries inspire and embolden viewers to make life-affirming decisions—placing our story forever into their lives—The Bloom for television will do so even more profoundly and on an exponential scale.
We have very few stories right now that offer some positive glimmer of hope and possibility for our future. They are conspicuously absent in the avalanche of media we are inundated with. The Bloom answers this unmet need. The depth of our message—thought-provoking, vulnerable and contemporary—will offer powerful affirmation for many people who have no way to access it firsthand.
The show brings these themes vividly into our cultural conversation. The themes comprise novel approaches to the challenges of modern life. They are not a product of a single individual’s ideas, but being explored collectively by the millions who attend these festivals. Through the series, these conversations will become a part of our collective dialogue about how to live in these unprecedented times.
Transformational festivals are made by artists and creatives intentionally engineering culture to be more inspiring and satisfying. Answering participants’ needs for connection, expression, freedom, play, authenticity, discovery, taking a risk, sharing ideas, techniques, and practices, indeed, moments of awe and wonder, these are massive collaborations for days to weeks at a time. Consider how 25,000 people come in the week before gates open to build the Burning Man festival. They do so in an orderly, highly decentralized manner with a great degree of creative autonomy within each project. Together, they create Black Rock City, a pop-up art town wonderland of 80,000, which includes some of the most culturally influential people of our world.
While it has made the most inroad into the popular imagination, Burning Man is only one of the giants in this field of iconic festivals. This is not the story of a passing fad, but a mostly-overlooked cultural phenomenon thriving for over two decades. Its story has yet to be truly told. The Bloom is the show that will do it justice, bringing its greatest gifts to the world in authentically epic style.
What do you think of our approach to exploring transformational festivals?
Leave a comment below!
In my early 20s during the 90s, when I moved to the west coast, I was swept into these magickal transformative festival worlds and have experienced the most amazing connection with community, expression and sharing. Festivals like Burning Man, Lightning in a Bottle, Coachella, etc….. Always wishing there was a way to share the beautiful worlds we would create within these events with the rest of the world, I’m so thrilled the Bloom project is committed to doing that. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and the gold is shared within our hearts
I am glad to see that the series will be character driven, I think it will really help viewers, especially those unfamiliar with “the scene”, understand how these events are impacting people’s lives in a very real way. I am particularly glad to see that psychedelics will be examined in a few of the episodes. I feel that a lot of festival media today doesn’t acknowledge that for some, the psychedelic experience is a large part of their overall festival experience. I didn’t see harm reduction mentioned anywhere but I hope it is shown how these festivals generally employ this method of dealing with ‘drug’ use. Overall I think the themes are well thought out and I wish you and your team all the best in seeking those whom will be able to tell their stories and bring them to life.
Thank you, Jessica… Looking forward to covering the sensitive yet important subject of entheogens in a balanced and nuanced way. There’s so many interesting aspects and important implications to it. 100% the harm reduction approach will be included… thank you for mentioning it:)
As a co-creator of a festival, I have seen the hard work, passion, and drive required to bring the vision to fruition. This safe container that is built allows for people to express themselves freely; to allow moments to carry them into profound connection; to dance, teach, learn, laugh, and let go; and to experience a community based on acceptance and authenticity. I have witnessed the profound impact these festivals have had on people, myself included. People who have emerged with a new hope in their life, new knowlegde to carry them through, and new community to share there authentic selves with. People crave connection and belonging and these fesitivals offer this.
I have full faith that with Jeet-Kei at the helm, The Bloom will capture the essence of this underground scene. Our earth is hurting, and people are craving connection, therefore, we need this type of media content to provide hope and tangible ways to build community during these dark times.
Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing the journey of The Bloom series, Jeet-Kei. I wish you well on this continued journey!
Yes to all of it! Thank you, Petra, much love & all the best to you and your family <3
Jeet-Kei I’ve shared your passion for these festivals and your project since we first met. I’m voting for your success in getting the message out that there is a way to live that is more connected to passion, values and each other. The world needs this hope, needs to see how to find it and become part of the movement to take our world back, to change the course of our Earth-ship to friendly shores.
Thank you thank you thank you for your perseverance and dedication. You are an amazing organizer and leader, you are worthy, talented, experienced and skilled to be the point-person for this project.
I’m sending my prayers to elevate awareness and to call in the right team around you, especially the show-runner!
with profound love, appreciation and respect
Octavia, Puerto Vallarta, MX
PS – your daughter is such a bright light and an absolute cutie-pie!! It’s for her and all the children that this species-saving movement must succeed. As we hold space for this turbulent global evolutionary transition, we hold stronger the sacred vision of the people we must become to make the world we want to live in.
Thank you for this beautiful expression of support, Octavia. I will take it with me as we move forward. Big love & all the best!
How Magnificent
Yay! So glad you are back! x
Excited to see it!